Frequently Asked Questions

Check out all the answers in our 3DXChat FAQ:

How to download and install 3DXChat?

We have created a guide detailing all the steps to download and install 3DXChat. The guide covers every step of the way, right from subscription → download → installation → login. You can find the entire guide here on our 3DXChat download page. 

What in the world is 3DXChat and why should I care?

Seems like your journey of discovering 3DXChat is just beginning. I suggest you start on our homepage and work your way from there!

How do I create my avatar?

Learn how to create the perfect ‘you’ with our avatar creation manual. It covers the entire process of creating or editing an existing avatar. Find out more on our 3DXChat avatar page.

Can you help me with 3DXChat in-game controls?

You can find any information on avatar controls, camera controls and the user interface on our 3DXChat controls page.

Does 3DXChat support VR?

The Oculus VR headset is fully supported in-game. Find out more on our 3DXChat VR page.

Does 3DXChat support sex toys?

All toys by Lovense are fully supported in-game. Find out more on our 3DXChat Lovense page.

What's the 3DXChat gay community like?

All sexual orientations are welcome in 3DXChat, be it gay, lesbian, trans, furry, etc… There are also user-created locations that cater specifically to LGBTQ audiences.

Is 3DXChat available on Steam?

3DXChat is not available on Steam at this date.

Can you play 3DXChat on Linux?

3DXChat is designed to run on Windows primarily. It won’t run natively on Linux. However, it is possible to play the game on a Linux device using Wine. Find our more on our system requirements page.

Can you play 3DXChat on android?

3DXChat is designed to run on Windows. There is currently no Android or IOS app of 3DXChat. Find our more on our system requirements page.

Where can I join the 3DXChat Discord?

Where can I see an example of 3DXChat gameplay?

Take a virtual stroll through 3DXChat on our 3DXChat gameplay page.

How much does it cost to play the game?

All prices are detailed in the ‘how much does it cost to play’ section on our homepage. Visit our 3DXChat price & XGold page for all information regarding the cost of 3DXChat and the in-game currency, XGold.

Will the game run on my pc?

Well, that depends on your PC. All kidding aside, you can find all technical specifications on our system requirements page.

Will the game run on MAC?

The game was not designed to run natively on MAC. However, many users are playing on MACs where Windows 10 is installed via Bootcamp. Find our more on our system requirements page.

How can I change my avatar's name or gender?

1) In the game, click the ‘gear’ icon button under your avatar
2) Click the ‘Change Name & Gender’ button
3) Making these changes isn’t free: the price of 20,000 xgold will be deducted from your balance.
4) Please note that you can modify the gender and name at the same time. This way, both changes together will only cost you 20,000 xgold

How does the 3DXChat world editor work?

If you want to learn how to work with the World editor, please visit our 3DXChat world editor page, which includes a link to a full manual.

When was the latest update to 3DXChat?

You can find a recent update history on our 3DXChat updates page. Head on over there for detailed summaries of each update and insights into new content.

I can't find an answer to my question here, how do I contact support?

Please consult 3DXChat’s official support page here: If you still don’t find the answer, that page will also provide you with a way to contact 3DXChat via Discord or the contact form.

We keep the 3DXChat FAQ updated as frequently as we can, so make sure to visit again for future updates!

3dxchat faq


Ready to  get into the game?

Just click the link below to start playing:

Download and play 3DXChat

